Saturday, December 10, 2011

Career in Corporate Training and Education Management Program

The business world has become more competitive. With the advancement of technologies new tools have emerged. Consequently in order to survive in the market employees must be well trained to work on these tools. Today, every organization is making sure that all its employees perform well to the best of their abilities. Many organizations whether big or small have started focusing on corporate training programs. In fact, the need for corporate training is increasing at most companies due to the fast pace of business today.

Importance of Corporate Training

A well-conceived training program can actually help business succeed. Any corporate training program structured with the company's strategy and objectives in mind has a high prospect of improving productivity. An effective corporate training is very essential as it often help employees learn how to deliver a sales pitch and know more about the inner workings of the company. In recent times few researches have also shown that firms that have seriously planned their corporate training process are more successful than those that do not.
However, deciding the kind of training that can benefit to an organization is far from a simple process. It is not always easy to decide the training process, because of financial and time constraints. The need or type of training must be a considered keeping the current and the future needs of the company in mind. Many business owners want to be successful, but because they are not well trained to provide training generally do not engage in training designs which may help them improve their business. Addressing to meet this requirement a career in corporate training has gained immense popularity in recent years.

Why to choose?

Working as a corporate trainer for a company can help you boost your career. Many big companies having new information or technology want their employees to learn about the new technology. Thus many of them hire corporate trainers to make sure that the proper flow of information and education takes place. If you are a corporate trainer for a company, it means that your job will be to go to each of the branches of the company and be an educator.
As a corporate trainer for a company, there are many things you might be teaching to employees. There can be a situation where you may be holding new employee seminars to teach the new employees the way that the company operates. Moreover, you may even provide management training. In addition, this career also offer you an opportunity to train employees on new policies regarding actions they might take in the work place, or on new situations that they might encounter.

Apart from this, there are many career options in the field of corporate training and education management programs. You can play the role of corporate facilitator, the person who spends time with the students. They are the one delivering the lectures everyday. Then you can also be a freelance developer who is in-charge of developing the complete course module relating to a specific topic.

Selecting Online Corporate Education Schools

Definitely choosing a career in corporate training can be lucrative a lucrative option, but it also depends upon your corporate education and school you choose to obtain a corporate training degree. Today there are many online corporate education schools that offer distance learning program in corporate training. However, be sure to attain a degree from those colleges that ensure to provide you experienced faculty, quality programs and unparalleled resources working together to meet critical business challenges. Look for a university that can assign you personal advisor(s) who will be there to answer your questions and take care of administrative details from enrollment through graduation.

Nevertheless, the biggest area of corporate education must help you enhance your skill and be a successful corporate trainer. You want to be sure that when you train people or employees they listen to you, they understand what you are saying, and ultimately benefit from your discussion.
Find complete information on best corporate training management programs at and Start your career with top Education Management degrees. Also find complete information on top education majors and teaching degree in USA and Canada.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

How To Structure A Sales Training Course

This article describes a number of educational techniques that can be used on training courses to keep your sales trainees motivated and learning.
Where there is no motivation to learn, training is a waste of time and money. Too many sales training courses are unsuccessful because the trainees do not have the motivation to learn. Salespeople who are sent on a course and so find themselves 'back at school' must also have the desire to acquire new knowledge and develop their skills. If the motivation is not there, the training course, however good, will be a pure waste of time and budget. As a sales manager or sales trainer, you will only be able to achieve your training objectives if you structure your training courses in such a way that your salespeople feel that their needs are being met. To do this, you will need to apply some basic educational principles. These principles are described below.
How a training course or session starts is vitally important. The right introductory address is at the beginning of your sales training course or session develops a certain trust in the instructor and also gives the salesperson the initial motivation to participate and learn. Below are just a few ways of how to introduce your training session:
You could start by finding out the level of existing knowledge in the sales people by, for example, asking questions. However, be careful not to ask direct questions, such as: "Tell me what the most important advantages are..." Instead, you should apply the principles of educational discussion. This method encourages discussion, for example "The annual general meeting with key clients has many important functions. Which have you learned from your own experience?"
Alternatively, if the session builds on a previous course or session you can usefully start by referring back to the previous training. For example: "Yesterday we discussed some key account problems, what do you think the link is between these issues and today's subject of discussion?"
Or you could use stimulating or controversial questions to promote thought and discussion. Such as: "In your view, what are the benefits of sales training in your company with regard to future business developments?"
Another technique is to get the delegates to set goals. For example, by asking: "By the end of this month, how far do you want to get with your market analysis?"
Using practical examples can also be a good way to start sales training courses. For example by asking: "If you were to sell model ABC to one of your clients, what objectives would you expect them to raise?"
Whilst getting a session of to a good start is important of equal importance is achieving permanent motivation throughout the course. There are many options for structuring a sales training course in such a way that the motivation of the sales people does not flag. Described below are just a few examples of training techniques for you to try:
Developing solution strategies with the salesperson. For example by asking: "What other ways could you solve this particular sales problem?"
Using praise and recognition, both of which are powerful motivators for sales people. An example is: "Your ability to overcome objections is obvious for all to see. Congratulations! How did you manage to overcome them in the ABC account, for example?"
A good way to maintain motivation is to combine a number of different educational methods. For example, you start by getting the group to watch a film, you then divide the group into two sub-groups and get each to discuss problem situations and agree solutions.
Ensure you provide different approaches to help the delegates find solutions. Psychological and practical help during a training session could include using experience gained from practice sessions; presenting precedents and reviewing known similar situations.
Whichever training methods you use to keep your delegates engaged during your sales training courses, ensure that you monitor their effectiveness by collecting post training feedback.
Richard Stone is a Company director of Spearhead Training Group Limited, a business that runs a full range of management and sales training courses designed for bettering business and individual overall performance. You can view more information at

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jane Goodall: Urgent Action Required To Save The Chimpanzees

Jane Goodall, the legendary primatologist, who was studying chimpanzees for 50 years in the depth of African jungles, says that there is an urgent need for action to save chimpanzees from going extinct. According to an article that Jane Goodall wrote, she says that there is need to change our way of thinking about the natural world, and the advances made by science and technology if we want chimpanzees to survive.
It was in 1960 that Goodall first came to Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania to study chimpanzees; and she made groundbreaking discoveries about their social behaviors, fights, wars, cannabilism, and intelligence. These discoveries changed the way the scientific community used to perceive chimps, which are humans' closest living relatives. It also made humans realize how unique and different they were when compared to the animals.

However, as more information about chimps was learned, the threats to their lives have also increased. In the 1900s, there were over 1 million chimpanzees living in Africa, and now this number had dwindled down to less than 300,000. Some wildlife conservationists believe that in the next 30 years chimpanzees will become extinct. Unfortunately, the threats faced by chimpanzees are not just restricted to Gombe. They are threatened all across Africa, where ever chimps live. They are facing loss of habitat due to deforestation; and as chimps are coming more frequently in contact with humans, they are also highly susceptible to human diseases, such as flu and polio. In addition, chimps are further threatened by illegal bushmeat hunting.

According to another primatologist, Jill Pruetz of the Iowa State University, the biggest threat that the chimps are currently facing in Senegal is large scale mining in the area.

The Jane Goodall Institute has been working with people in Africa, who live in close proximity to chimps. The institute has been trying to resolve problems such as poverty, drought, soil erosion due to unsustainable farming practices, and lack of education, health care and clean drinking water. The institute believes that by addressing these problems, the villagers will help the institute protect the chimps.

Goodall believes that by helping people living close to the chimps, they are giving the villagers a reason to protect and preserve the chimpanzees. Other primatologists also agree with this approach, and hope that the people realize the importance of chimpanzees to the ecosystem that these villagers themselves are dependent upon.

Today, conservationists are making use of satellite images along with remote sensing data to get valuable information on the lives of chimpanzees and what they can do to protect them from going extinct. For instance, satellite images have revealed that chimpanzees hunt successfully in woodlands and semi deciduous forests compared to evergreen forests. So, conservationists are trying to protect woodlands and semi deciduous forests to increase the number of chimpanzees in the wild.
While the task of protecting chimpanzees is not easy, conservationists and wildlife experts believe that it can be done if sufficient funds and resources are made available.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in history and education. He also offers top quality articles like:
Jane Goodall Biography

Friday, August 19, 2011

What Is Intelligence Testing?

Intelligence testing is a process that aims to quantify "intelligence", or basic thinking ability. Intelligence testing aims to measure one's underlying mental ability, rather than academic achievement, and to report these results in a useful manner. The term "intelligence quotient" (or IQ) used in such testing is meant to reflect one's overall mental ability. While the Full Scale IQ is summarized by one number, it is important to recognize that this number is a composite of the scores from four key skill domains: verbal skills, nonverbal skills, attention, and speed of information processing.

Modern scores are reported in terms of where they fall in the distribution of scores, for the sample representing the subject's peer group. IQ scores are "scaled", or reported in reference to the mean and standard deviation of peers in the general population. The IQ scores follow a "normal" distribution, and are scaled so that a score one full standard deviation from the median corresponds to 15 IQ points higher or lower than 100. By definition this means that about 2/3rds of the population have IQ scores between 85 and 115, and 95% of all people have scores between 70 and 130.

Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, designed the first real intelligence test in the nineteenth century. Since Binet, many others have modified his scale. Modern intelligence testing began with David Wechsler, the chief of Psychology at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, in 1932. Wechsler published the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale in 1939, altering the course of intelligence testing in the United States. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) was published in 1955, followed by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), each of which have been revised several times since.

Intelligence testing can be a useful tool for identifying both an individual's mental strengths and limitations. Once limitations have been identified, recommendations can be made to increase the client's ability to function in particular domains. Some limitations might be improved by interventions that build skill capacity; other limitations might be overcome by learning how to compensate for deficits.

Despite vast improvements since the first intelligence tests were devised, it remains a challenge to develop tests that properly measure intellectual skills for people of various backgrounds and special talents/needs, etc. Due to individual differences among examinees, it is important that all test results be interpreted by an expert who is aware of the strengths and limitations of the tests themselves. The expert can then use this knowledge to write reports that fairly reflect an individual's true intellectual strengths, as well as any limitations.

Leslie Sachs, Metrowest Neuropsychology, Summer Intern 2011 and Jeffrey J. Gaines, Ph.D., ABPP-CN
For more information on intelligence testing and psychoeducational evaluations, visit:

Friday, June 3, 2011

7 Reasons Why Training Doesn't Produce the Desired Results and What You Can Do To

Seven Reasons Why Training Doesn't Produce the Desired Results and What You Can Do To Improve Your Results Overview

Abraham Maslow said, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail." As managers, leaders and change agents, we want to improve our organizational performance. Often training is seen as an important tool in this pursuit. Training is a fabulous tool! It can provide awareness, knowledge, skills and maybe even a chance to practice. However, all of our change efforts aren't nails, so training isn't our only tool. This special report identifies seven common reasons why training doesn't meet it's goals - even when it is the right tool - and more importantly - gives you some action steps to avoid these pitfalls. The "Who's Accountable?" Game

People rarely are held accountable for using what they learned in a course or workshop when they get back to the workplace. So some people recognize going to training as a game. That's why training is seldom seen (by anyone in the organization) as what it could and should be - a strategic part of the business, with responsibility for performance enhancement. Regardless of how training is viewed, if people aren't held accountable, how likely is it that real performance change will occur? All of the actions below will make accountability clear. What You Can Do o Give people a clear message before participating in training what the expectations of them will be when they return.

o Plan some time with the participant both before and after the training session.
o Let participants know before they attend that an action plan is expected as a result of the training session. (Then be interested in the outcome.)
o Ask participants how you can help them reach their new performance goals. The Cafeteria Cause - "Course du Jour"
Often training has no connection to the strategic objectives of the organization. Whether true or not, the prevalent perception in the organization is that there is no rhyme or reason to the latest training course. This cause is called "Course du Jour" because often organizations offer new training just like some people try new diets. New business books (and accompanying "hot" new training topics) are published with the frequency of new diet plans - and the similarities continue! With the fad popular diets, people hear about the new approach, buy the book, get excited, try the diet, and soon leave it - usually before they received any real benefit. The same thing happens in an organization. The new training topic, approach, idea or craze is tried and dropped before results can occur.. There's usually nothing wrong with the training introduced, but usually it isn't supported in the organization - or given the time to work. In these instances, the company is wasting time and money and confusing the majority of the employees. Maybe most costly however is the risk of fostering cynicism and reducing the credibility of leadership. What You Can Do o Make training decisions based on strategic direction and real performance gaps. Once those training priorities have been set, stick to them.

o Make a commitment to get a return on that training investment.
o Resolve to give the training time and support to work.
o Determine clear performance outcomes for the effort up front.
o When a new "hot topic" training course is proposed, ask, "How does this fit with what we've been doing? Is this just our next diet?"
o Use real work in the training when possible. The Piling on the Work Paradigm
Many times managers and leaders see training as an expensive waste of time. When they attend classes, they continually think about all the work that is piling up "back in the office". Their employees see this attitude through their leader's actions. This thinking grows because leaders don't explain the reasons for the course and don't help people deal with the workload while they are gone. Since you can't make people learn, these situations can be disastrous in the training session itself. People may resent having to be in the training because they don't understand why they're there, and they know they'll have to work harder when they get back to the job to catch up. In this situation the participants may leave more cynical than when they arrived, with few if any new skills to counteract that possible effect. What You Can Do o Do everything possible to make sure all of management is on-board with the training and its purpose.
o Make a commitment to get a return on that training investment.
o Resolve to give the training time and support to work.
o Determine clear performance outcomes for the effort up front.
o Set up a plan to handle the work while the participant is learning. This action speaks volumes about the importance of the training. It will also improve their ability to focus on the session (e.g. "My critical work is being handled", and " Whew, I'm sure glad that most of my mail will have been handled when I get back!") The January Third Application Assignment
Well designed training with motivated learners will result in people leaving training with some clear ideas about how they plan to apply what they've learned back on the job. But well intentioned as those plans might be, they may be no more effective than most New Year's Resolutions. Old habits are hard to break! Habits are especially hard to break when there is no support for the new skills and behaviors back in the workplace. What You Can Do o Give people a clear message before participating in training what the expectations of them will be when they return.
o Plan some time with the participant both before and after the training session.
o Let them know before they attend, that an action plan is expected as a result of the training session. (Then be interested in the outcome.)
o Ask them how you can help them reach their new performance goals. All of these actions will make accountability clear.
o Give an entire work group training in new information and skills at the same time. (Whenever possible and appropriate.)
o Use real work in the training when possible. The Sleepwear Syndrome - "One-Size-Fits-All"
Often times a T-shirt or sleepwear is designed to be "one size-fits-all" and serves its purpose. Training isn't sleepwear and probably won't be effective that way. Look at it this way: though all the teen-age kids might wear one size of sweatshirt to school, would people wear the same size suit or skirt to work? If they did, would they look as good or perform well? In other words, one-size-fits-all garments aren't all that versatile for different situations. The basic goal of clothing - to cover our body and provide warmth - would be achieved, but many other reasons why we wear clothing would not be satisfied. The same is true for training in the workplace. Too often, generic, across-the-board training is administered. The basic premise with this syndrome is that "We'll give it to everyone - to be fair - maybe everyone doesn't need this information or lack the skills, but at least we will make sure we don't leave anyone out." In reality often management doesn't really know who needs the new skills and knowledge. What You Can Do o Base training and participation decisions on skills needed to be effective in the workplace. The Lone Ranger Situation
Often people are sent to training as a perk, a reward, or as a way to get them in a new surrounding for awhile. In most cases, people in a team or work group may never all see the same training, except for the "Course du Jour" or "One-Size-Fits-All" variety. Some times people need specific skills to perform a specific part of their work. Often though, the "perk" training workshops are for skills many people in the group could use (or maybe they'll all be sent over-time; after all, everyone can't be gone at once.) The result? People come back to work in a vacuum. Not only are they not accountable (Reason Number One above), but no one they work with has the same new skills and knowledge that they do. Without support, as a Lone Ranger, the new ideas they bring back may not get implemented due to peer resistance or ignorance. What You Can Do o Give an entire work group training in new information and skills at the same time. (Whenever possible and appropriate.)

o Build training that is linked to the problems at work as well.
o Use real work in the training when possible. The "Name That Tune" Game
This problem arises when, in the name of expediency or efficiency, training time is compacted. Trainers are asked to "Name That Tune" (or complete the training) in shorter and shorter time blocks. This show starts with "The Management Team only needs an overview", and ends with training being designed to fit a time slot, as opposed to being designed to build specific skills. The typical result of the "Name That Tune - shorten the session for my people Game", is training that is little more that exposure to a topic area - not training which can transfer real skills, with real practice time in the classroom. What You Can Do o Give the training staff some muscle - let them be strong advocates for training that is skill based, and not just meant to fill the ever-shortening time slot.

o Determine clear performance outcomes for the effort up front. Final Thoughts
Training can be expensive, often time consuming, and disappointing - both to the individuals and to the organization. Training and learning is also vitally important to the success of organizations. These Seven Reasons are often why training is so disappointing and time consuming. Taking the actions listed will help reduce the cost, lower the frustration and disappointment and drastically increase the effectiveness of the training in your organization.

©1999, All Rights Reserved, Kevin Eikenberry. Kevin is the President of The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a learning consulting company that helps their Clients reach their potential through a variety of training, consulting and speaking services. Go to to learn more about our customized training service offered or contact Kevin at toll free 888.LEARNER.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Obtain A Degree In Psychology With Online Colleges Today!

Nowadays, an individual has got an excellent opportunity to obtain a psychology degree by means of studying in an online college. The only thing a person will need is a personal computer and an access to the Internet. Studying via the Internet an individual may combine studying and working without leaving the job responsibilities. In our contemporary life most of people have very busy lives; that's why it turns out to be really difficult to visit everyday classes in a widely accepted traditional college. People who are busy at home and in the office are offered a wonderful alternative - distance learning. Generally, regular colleges and schools require from their students much time, effort and energy for studying. It is completely impossible for people to study if they have already their own families and good job positions. Nowadays, it has become possible to obtain a psychology degree with the help of Internet much easier than ever. Besides, while studying an individual may not be worried about fulfilling one's job responsibilities. Any willing person has an opportunity to study with the help of an online psychology program on weekends or when he or she has some free time - either at home after work or during a lunch break on a working place. Spending not much time and money an individual is able to obtain a psychology degree.

As it was already mentioned, today, it is rather easy to earn a degree in Psychology, due to a great variety of different online colleges which may be easily found in the Internet. In order to make your choice of the most suitable psychology online college it is enough to enter the notions you are interested in into the line in the browser. Thus, an individual may learn information about such theories of Psychology subject as Human Resource, Personality Development, Cognitive Behavior therapy and many others. It is necessary to emphasize that studying with the help of online psychology programs is not at all boring. On the contrary, this way of studying is very interesting and exciting as it involves much interaction and communication with many professionals and educators. What is really gripping about the online education is that an individual has an opportunity to get acquainted with many young people living in different countries of the world, having various backgrounds, characters and cultures. It is always captivating to communicate with people of other cultures and ways of thinking. You have an opportunity to share your experience not only in terms of psychology though. Such studying will help you to enrich your knowledge from the most experienced people giving you a quick stimulus to start your psychological career. You will receive valuable knowledge in the field of Cognitive therapies, behavioral therapies, Counseling as well as Human Resource Management and to develop your skills in these branches.

So, when you enter the Internet you are expected to find a great variety of different online colleges providing their students with many various subjects. Thus, an individual may choose the subject to meet his or her professional needs and interests. While searching an appropriate online college pay special attention to the studying schedules, take some lectures in the room and then complete projects that would meet the requirements of the program you have chosen. An online psychology program will offer you much flexibility, due to which you will be successful in completing the necessary projects whenever and wherever it is convenient for you. If you have found out that the program of your choice offers very little interaction with the professor don't get disappointed. The matter is that it is necessary for a psychology student to be self confident and work totally on one's own. The profession of a psychologist is full of difficulties and challenges, thus, online psychology colleges also have many challenges. Nevertheless, if you are really ready to start making a career of a psychologist and want to take a course in psychology, don't be afraid of difficulties. An online psychology college will be the best option for you to choose.

By the way, if you already study in some traditional college, but it seems more and more difficult for you to visit regular psychology classes, you may transfer into an online institute and to continue your studying process online. Studying online educational process won't hinder fulfilling your job responsibilities and will help you to quickly obtain a degree in the field of psychology which will be very valuable for your future successful career. Thus, online psychological education will improve your professional knowledge and develop your skills which are extremely important for making a successful psychologist career in future. So, at this stage it is necessary for you to make research of various educational possibilities in order to make the best choice. Summing up, it would be necessary to mention that the Internet offers a great number of resources; that is why it would be great to consult your friends or associates, for instance, who have some experience in online education and could give some advice.

schools of psychology: psychology colleges

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Worst Year of Teaching!

We hosted our first "Ask the Author" phone sessions at the beginning of this month and I really enjoyed speaking with several teachers and parents. One call, however, resonated very deeply with me. It was with a teacher from Minnesota who originally had a specific product question. As she explained her situation, however, she made a striking comment. "I am trying my best, but many parents want to blame everything on me!" Her voice cracked as she said it. I felt her pain. I've been there before!

The summer after I married, I moved to a new part of town and began looking for a new job. I quickly learned that finding a job is all about who you know. Being new to town, I knew no one. September had come and gone with no luck and I was very discouraged. One day, I made a bold networking move (which is another story for another day) and connected with a principal who needed a teacher for her fifth grade classroom.

While waiting in her office for an interview, three different people popped in, each advising me to get out of there. Interestingly, each of them described the group as, "The class from (and then they sank into a whisper) H-E-L-L!"

For better or worse, I was offered the job and I poured my heart and soul into it. But the months that followed were the longest of my life! The classroom was a disaster. Mouse droppings poured out of the storage cabinets, interlaced with throngs of clutter left by the previous teacher. There were no textbooks or established curriculum of any kind. There were no teachers with whom I could team because the school only had one fifth-grade classroom. I had to create all materials from scratch.

For a few months, I did not leave that building before 9 PM. I got the classroom in order. I developed curriculum materials for math, language arts, science, and social studies. I had things humming.

But, it was not long before the vultures dove in. The Nasty Parents.

Every day quickly became a battle. This specific group of parents challenged every decision I made, every assignment I created, and every routine I put in place. "What took you so long to start teaching here?" they asked. (As if I voluntarily opted out of a job for six weeks.) "Why is it taking you two weeks to grade their work?" (Did I mention I had to create EVERYTHING from scratch?) They were undermining discipline in the classroom. (If the parents did not respect me, why would their children?) As the months went on, things escalated. Eventually, they approached the superintendent to complain and petition to have me fired.

The superintendent came to visit me and assure me that everything was okay. "I kept asking them why they were upset," she said. "I asked what you were specifically doing that they didn't like, but they couldn't come up with anything. The most specific complaint they had is that you make them write sentences with their spelling words!"

She went on to explain that this group of parents had a history of causing problems. Their children had all been in the same class since kindergarten and the parents had been trouble-makers for years. Not only did these parents have a bad reputation, but their anger was escalating because the school was scheduled to be closed at the end of the year. I basically stepped into a No-Possible-Chance-of-a-Win situation.

Thankfully, prior to arriving at that school, I had two years of successful teaching experience under my belt. Without that prior, POSITIVE experience, I would FOR SURE have left the profession thinking I was an utter failure. There are no words to properly convey what it feels like to pour yourself into something, only to have it routinely, systematically, and heartlessly squashed by others. I felt like I was going crazy!

Many people asked why I didn't leave. There were a few reasons: First and foremost, I needed an income. Secondly, I did not have a "Plan B." Third, I wasn't about to let them get the best of me!

But, they were getting the best of me. My health quickly deteriorated. I have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis; that year caused my worst flare-up! Every morning, my hands and legs were so stiff I could not grasp anything and could barely walk. My husband would start shower water for me, then walk me to the bathroom. We had only been married for a few months and his formerly vibrant and reasonably healthy wife was now walking worse than his 90 year-old grandmother!

I couldn't squeeze shampoo bottles, so he would patiently wait outside of the shower and pour shampoo into my gnarled hands when I was ready. After a long, hot shower, I could eventually flex my fingers and walk normal. The only sign to the outside world that I was struggling was rapid weight loss. Generally, that is a welcomed side-effect, but not at this expense.

The director of human resources for my school district was willing to grant me a medical leave. In fact, she was the one who noticed the weight loss more than anyone. "Every time I see you, you've disappeared more," she once said.

I was eager to get out, but reluctant to give up. Every time I hit a point where I didn't think I could take any more, we reached a scheduled break...Christmas, winter break, and spring break. The short reprieves were just enough to get me through.

Eventually, one fateful day, a student in my class brought a cap gun to school. (Again, another story for another day.) But, that episode turned the Nasty Parents' attention off of me and on to our principal. I felt bad for her, but it gave me a reprieve from their wrath!

The end of the school year turned out to be a great success. With cooperation from my class, we implemented a "Mini City" economic initiative that integrated all subjects together. It was fun for the students and a bit hit in the community. (The attention drawn from said "cap gun" incident.) I also received a few "thank you" notes from parents who witnessed my struggles from a distance. (Apparently, the Nasty Parents were successful at intimidating more than just me.) The following year, I was able to secure a job in a new school district, where I was able to resume my career under better circumstances.

There were a couple other positive things that came from that embattled year. Most significantly, that was the point when I realized, at a visceral level, that I needed to make a SOAR a reality. As my world felt like it was caving in around me, my work with study skills was a constant beacon of hope!

But, what do I say to this teacher from Minnesota? My fellow colleague who is putting the best she has into something and getting blamed for things she cannot control? At best, this situation is demoralizing. At worst, could cripple her sense of value for years, or even a lifetime. The sadness and frustration in her voice have been nagging at me for weeks.

I don't know if I have any specific words of encouragement other than to share my story and acknowledge that she is NOT crazy. I imagine many teachers reading this might have experienced something similar, whether it was a one-time situation or something more long-term. Either way, teachers are often isolated and do not realize that others have faced similar challenges. I hope it helps her to know that she is not alone.

I have a Leadership Bible sitting next to me. I have been sitting here trying to find a passage that might offer words of encouragement to my fellow teacher. I figure, regardless of anyone's faith background, if a situation is described in the Bible, you have to know you are not alone; at the very least, the same struggle was fought a couple thousand years before you! I flipped through several pages when I realized that this is the very same story of the key figure in the New Testament...that there is at least one Teacher who has come before us, with nothing but positive intentions. He was persecuted more than any of us.

He changed the world.

I hope my fellow teacher can maintain her convictions and change the world, too.

Susan Kruger is the author of SOAR Study Skills; A Simple and Efficient System for Earning Better Grades in Less Time. Get Susan's FREE Homework Rx Toolkit, featuring 25 Ways to Make Homework Easier...Tonight!, at her website:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Corporate Training Increases Overall Productivity

Corporate training is a vast term which refers to all types of training that are required to increase the overall productivity of an organization. It is normally conducted within the corporate environment. These types of training differ in every organization depending upon the requirements and strategies.

For example: An organization may require customer service training whereas other corporation may need technology training to improve the efficiency of their employees.

However, there are certain crucial and basic trainings that may be required for every corporation. IT training is one of the most important aspects of every organization these days.

There are various types of programs which are designed to provide IT training to the corporate employees. They provide certification on completion of the training. The company bears the expenses incurred for such type of employee training.

What is Certification?

Certification basically means a credential earned by an individual on completion of course. It is given only when you pass the examination. It is widely used for mastering the new technological products in the corporate world. The products could be mastering the new information system, software development, database management, server administration etc.

These IT certifications are always an added advantage when you apply for a new job. It also helps for the personal and professional growth of an individual in the corporate world. Hence, corporate employees nowadays actively get involved in such certification courses.

Outsource Corporate Training

Nowadays, corporate training responsibilities are also outsourced to third party companies. This could be also due to the unavailability of the expertise among the existing resources.
The organizations which provide training service are the specialists in their respective fields. The clients either opt for consultation or try out online leaning from these organizations which provide training. Every organization wants to be well equipped with the latest technology prevailing in the market.
IT certification courses are also available for a short period of time like a week long or for ten days. They are more like workshops held by the companies. The main aim of an organization is to increase the efficiency and productivity.

Corporate IT training is by far the most valuable and cost effective trainings that the companies are investing in. It allows an organization to compete with others in the market.

It is important to cope up with the ever-changing technologies. Each day there is something new being introduced in the market and it is extremely crucial to gain all the knowledge and updates about it.
Most of the times, the employees are sent for programs which are irrelevant. It is always wise to use other resources strictly according to the company requirements.

Sometimes the independent training companies also sign up a contract for stationing their trainer inside the outsourcing company for a certain period of time. The training companies conduct research and design a training module depending upon their client requirements.

Apart from the training on IT, the companies also outsource their training responsibilities on various other fields like team building training, leadership training, organizational training etc.

There are management training programs also available which are aimed at enhancing the time management skills, managerial skills etc. These programs create a positive effect in the corporate offices ultimately increasing the productivity.

It has been observed that the corporate education budget for training an individual employee increases as the company size grows. Hence, big corporate offices do not hesitate to send their employees for special training programs.

Only by providing sufficient training to the employees, the corporations can delegate more on new responsibilities. Professional education is an integral part of every organization.
karROX India is a pioneer in software training, networking training, IT security training, Soft Skills, MS Dynamics and certification training.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Choose the Right Tutoring Service for SAT Prep

Overall the right tutoring service should be local, affordable, and personalized in their approach to tutoring students. They should be able to show a track record of raising student scores as well as having satisfied students and parents. Likewise those who do it right, tutor students individually, perfecting strategies that really work because they care about the student's success.

Here are the 5 major points to consider when looking for a SAT Test Prep company:
They Have Expert Instructors - Some test prep companies offer a variety of test prep programs look for one that specializes in SAT Prep. Make sure the instructors are trained and certified in SAT Prep by a reputable company and preferably by the tutoring service itself.

They Use Proven Strategies - Be assured that the test taking and score-raising strategies have been developed from actual SATs which make the training the most accurate that is available. The best companies offering SAT test prep use tried, tested, and proven formulas that work and succeed in raising student's scores by hundreds of points on average. Be leery if there is no guarantee of raising your student's score.
They Only Provide 1-on-1 Tutoring - Private, personalized, one-on-one tutoring is what works the best. The distractions of larger classrooms or student settings are eliminated with one-on-one private tutoring and provide the most individualized student learning environment possible.

They Offer Flexible Hours for Tutoring - The program should offer a range of hours with a minimum of 12 hrs. as a requirement and up to a maximum of 18 hrs. total so that all areas of the test can be thoroughly covered over a 4 to 5 week timeframe. Math and Verbal should be the major focus of the sessions taking approximately 9 to 15 hrs. while the minor focus on Writing could be accomplished in about 3 hrs. of instruction as this is the way the actual exam is graded.

They Have Low Prices - A price range of somewhere between $500 - $800 depending on the hours specifically chosen or needed for your tutoring, is a reasonably priced program. Some are much higher simply because you are paying for the Name of the Company rather than their expertise in SAT Test Prep. In the end look for the program that provides the most personalized instruction at a reasonable cost to you.
As always, when comparing, work with the tutoring company that has the best quality, service, and cost.